Should I blame myself for my failed ambitions?
I've had a lot of different plans. A lot have succeeded, but even more have failed. It seems the most ambitious plans never really get far. When I was still in high school I really wanted to work in music. Most of all I wanted to be an engineer and work in recording studios. I was laughed at by many people older than I, including people who were tasked at helping me find my career or a school. I remember this particular time when our high school held a career day where we all signed up to get advice from people who've had jobs in the real world. The goal was to get career advice and gain perspective. I had very obviously signed up stating I wanted to be a studio engineer. The two guys I was set to meet with were not even working in the industry, so why they even had me meet with them was always confusing to me. We chat for a bit. They asked me what I wanted to do, how I wanted to get there, and how I could achieve this. ...